Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Masculine Bath More Traditional Gentlemen’s Club Than Locker Room #interior_design

Those interested in interior design and remodeling of bathrooms will be fascinated by this renovation.

Nothing speeds up a bath redo like a shower leaking into the room below it. At least, that was the impetus for  to finally tackle the  in Wilmette, Illinois. Remodeled in the 1980s, the charmless master bath of Martin Stock's 1910 home was lined with bulky beige built-ins. "I just wanted to throw three grenades in there and blow it up," he says.

Turning to designer Karen Walker, Stock presented her with magazine pages and offered up a piece of antique stained glass he bought in London. Walker fit the new amenities within the original footprint, using the existing plumbing lines - smart moves that allowed for high-end luxuries, such as custom cabinetry, an alabaster pendant, and marble floor tile. The result is a vintage-style space that’s stately but simple.

bathroom before and after: gentleman's club style bath

"A Ho-Hum Bath Becomes a Handsome Retreat" by Lauren Piro (This Old House Magazine)

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